Pullbox Previews Samson #1, now live on Kickstarter because every day is a great day for smashing nazis!

Samson #1- Nazi Smasher! Now live on Kickstarter!

  • Creator/Writer – Ben Lacy
  • Pencil and Inks – Jhonesbas Craneo
  • Colorist – Anton Polkhovskyi
  • Letterer – Nikki Powers
  • Cover Artist – Toby Gotesman-Schneier
  • Cover Artist – David Gallart

Samuel and Solomon Zucker were twins taken to Auschwitz in 1942. Nazi scientists used them as guinea pigs as part of Project Uberfuhrer, their effort to create a super soldier.

Instead, they created their greatest enemy – SAMSON!

But now, years after the war, Samuel discovers that the original Uberfhurer may still be alive and that Project Uberfuhrer may be up and running again.

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