Pullbox Previews Fractal Cascade- An imaginative multimedium graphic novel, coming soon to Kickstarter

  • Fractal Cascade
  • Created, Written, & Illustrated by
  • Lei Press
  • ISBN: 978-986-91676-3-5 (Hardcover)
  • ISBN: 978-986-91676-6-6 (PDF)
  • ISBN: pending (softcover)
  • Publication Date: May 2024 (hardcover & digital), July 2024 (softcover)
  • 96 pages
  • US$25 (softcover) US$5 (digital)
  • Also available in Traditional Taiwanese Mandarin

In a world where AI prompts are increasingly used in an attempt to replace traditional hard work and artistic talent, we at thePullbox are more than happy to present this preview of an upcoming piece of work. Fractal Cascade is an imaginative & ridiculously detailed multimedium graphic novel, coming soon to Kickstarter. After looking at the preview we got from Jon, I think it might represent why art in all of its shapes & sizes is worthwhile. Take a look. – Paul

From creator, Jon Renzella…

Fractal Cascade looks at the question of what it means to be an intelligent life form confronting the abyss. From the end of the dinosaurs to the end of time, and from spontaneous technogenesis to the creation of lower-dimensional universes, our protagonists are faced with the macro and the mundane. Charles the Person, a biobot created by a race of aliens who evolved directly to technology, wanders a Tuscany on the cusp of the Renaissance. Forbidden from harming biologicals, he is an outlier in a traumatized society emerging from the Black Death. Meanwhile, 21st century explorers embark on a decade-plus mission to a bizarre rogue planet called Phaethon and its moon Aerion, as the objects move from interstellar space through our solar system. Needing to spend most of their time in gravity-simulating haptic suits, they train in immersive VR games run by the ship’s AI, Zhu Zhu. As they approach the Phaethon system, it becomes clear that these are not normal worlds, and without profound modifications their mission will be impossible, as will their intimate connection to Charles the Person.

Fractal Cascade is a graphic novel in woodcut, ink, and watercolor. It grew out of themes that have been present in my woodcuts and previous comics, particularly on ideas of emergent phenomena and superorganisms, and what these subjects can teach us about ourselves.

The book debuted alongside the original art as an exhibition at Living Lab Gallery in Taoyuan, Taiwan from April 25th-June 10th 2024. A limited run of 60 signed and numbered hardcover books were created for the exhibit, each including an original woodcut print bookplate.

Available on Kickstarter June 12-July 3 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/renzella/fractal-cascade    

Available following the Kickstarter campaign at https://www.jrenzella.net/store (You can check out his other work now!)

Reviews of my previous works can be found at the links here

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