- The Spark
- Now on Kickstarter
A comics magazine for kids and adults alike. You’ll read about Monsters, Space Adventures, Alien Planets and an odd Robot Butler named Springworth. A project that will also benefit kids in long-term hospital care by supplying them with comic making kits to keep them from getting bored.
Issue 1 cover by Nick Brokenshire
Issue 1 features work by Nick Brokenshire, who took a break from his work on the Star Wars Adventures series for IDW Comics, has done a cracking cover that will blow your socks off! The interiors will be a mixture of ongoing five page strips and one-offs. We’ll explore strange worlds with ‘Shadows’ written by Aaron Rackley (Little Heroes Anthology) with pitch perfect art by Dan Harris (The Cosplayer that DOOMED the Earth).
There’ll be an extra helping of those barbarian fools ‘Gallant and Amos’. A Warrior and his Dragon pal who would have trouble running a bath are back! Rob Barnes supplies all the hi-jinks you’ll need with these two bumbling idiots who I guarantee you’ll fall in love with!
There’s exciting space adventure with ‘John Baton – The Final Stand’ where you’ll see in this order, a chase, a battle and a rather big explosion! Written by Aaron Rackley with art by Mike Dabrowski (Little Toe)
‘Monster Spotters Club’ follows the adventures of two kids and their accident prone teacher as they wander crazy alien world ticking off encounters with monsters as they happen. Written by Tony Esmond (‘How to make comics with Springworth’) and art by Vince Hunt(’The Red mask From Mars’).

Whether you are ages 8 to 68 you are going to find something fun and exciting about this new series. Ideal for parents to read along with their kids or to pass into the back seat when you’re on that long and boring road trip!