- Crusader #1
- Mad Cave Studios
- Written & Illustrated by
- Matt Emmons
- Letters by Andriy Lukin
- Main Cover by Matt Emmons
- Coming in 09-06-2023
A Templar Knight finds himself transported to a dangerous realm known as the Beastlands. With sinister entities known as The Masters hunting him down, all he has is his sword and a weird, goblin-like creature named Grimbel to guide him through this strange new world.

“Crusader has been a fun challenge! I’ve been trying to capture the feeling of a pulpy, fun adventure story that embodies everything I’ve loved about the genre, and I hope it translates. I’ve also been wanting to draw Pilgrim in action for years, so it’s very exciting to finally bring him to the page.”
Writer/Illustrator, Matt Emmons

“Crusader is a fun, adventurous title that won’t leave fantasy fans disappointed. It’s a story of reevaluating your goals and principles, filled with awesome art, memorable characters and great action scenes! I’m very excited to help Matt Emmons with his artistic vision and I hope our readers will appreciate the work we put into this series!”
Letterer, Andriy Lukin