As an old man geek type, I really appreciate these variants!
Throughout 2023, superstar artist Mark Brooks will honor the 60th anniversaries of the Avengers and the X-Men with new CORNER BOX VARIANT COVERS! Utilizing the classic comic book tradition of corner boxes in a unique new way, Brooks depicts lineups and characters from both team’s histories. Today, fans can check out the two installments that will debut in September, adorning AVENGERS #4 and X-MEN #25!
For this duo, Brooks spotlights some notable roster shakeups from the ‘80s by featuring fan-favorite members such as Sersi and Black Knight on the AVENGERS #4 CORNER BOX VARIANT COVER and Dazzler and Longshot on the X-MEN #25 VARIANT COVER. On these stunning covers, Brooks also depicts mainstays like Vision, Black Widow, and Magneto as well as Kitty Pryde during her classic era as Shadowcat! Amidst the dark times of FALL OF X, the character will taking on that codename once more starting in this very issue!
“There are many reasons why I was attracted to comics as a kid and the corner box was a big part of it,” Brooks explained. “I knew what issue number and who I could expect to see in the issue. It was a little preview to tantalize the reader. It was always heads, a full figure, or a micro-scene. No matter what, it enticed me to pick the book up. It’s why I started the #LetMarkCornerbox campaign in earnest on Twitter. It was primarily a joke to express my love for the corner box. It ended up taking on a bit of a life of its own. When C.B. told me that they’d like this to become a reality, I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve penciled well over 100 heads so far. I don’t plan on stopping until Marvel says ‘okay, that’s enough’- LOL!”
Stay tuned for more of Mark Brooks’ CORNER BOX VARIANT COVER to be revealed in the months ahead! For more information, visit