The folks at Boom! Studios have been killing it lately. On top of their numerous original titles, they’ve been taking existing properties and turning them over into something new. The tragedy of Life is that I can’t possibly review all of the great books they’ve been putting out, featuring the original lineup of Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers… But “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke). Therefore, I will do what I can do… which is cut and paste…
First up, take a look at the featured cover on this post, from volume 4 of Boom’s Go Go Power Rangers title, collecting issus 13-16…
Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 4 SC
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Eleonora Carlini
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer:Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artist: Dan Mora
Price: $16.99
- In the aftermath of the bestselling Shattered Grid event, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers must stop Rita’s sinister plan to acquire a new weapon. But when Jason and Trini follow Rita into a magic portal, they get more than they bargained for when their connection to the Morphin Grid gets crossed and their powers become transposed.
- Written by Ryan Parrott (Star Trek: Manifest Destiny) and illustrated by Eleonora Carlini (Batgirl), this arc of Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers gives the Power Rangers a new look like never before!

Next, here’s a look at the second Power Ranger series from Boom!, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers…

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Daniele di Nicuolo
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Preorder Cover: Goni Montes
Incentive Cover: Kris Anka
Unlocked Story Cover: Dan Mora
Unlocked Intermix Cover: Jamal Campbell
Price: $3.99
- Last year, Shattered Grid made comic book history—this year NECESSARY EVIL changes what you think you know about the Power Rangers with a reveal that will have everyone talking!
- The Power Rangers comic book event of 2019 begins here with the first appearance of the Power Ranger everyone’s been asking about—the fan favorite White Ranger!
- The all-new team of creators from record-breaking Power Rangers; Shattered Grid; Ryan Parrot and Daniele Di Nicuolo present the return of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers—but what happened to the universe after the defeat of Lord Drakkon, and what do our Rangers remember?

Bottom line, the series takes what was cool about the television series, and builds on it. Gone are the easy stereotypes and tropes, replaced by some decent character building and depth. All of which is there to back up some consistently dynamic artwork for what pretty much has to be an action oriented comic series.
Fans of action, and folks who still look back on the television series with fond & nostalgic memories (hey, it kept my son away from Barney the Purple Dinosaur) should take a look and see what’s new with the Morphin ones.