Fantastic Four #573 (Marvel – Hickman / Eaglesham / Mounts)
Adventures on Nu Earth! Ben and Johnny have big plans for a much needed vacation in the company of refugees from the future – booze, ladies, misadventures…and two stowaways named Franklin and Val.
First off, this is another classic Marvel example of the cover having nothing to do with the story whatsoever. This scene by icon Alan Davis, while very cute, doesn’t resemble anything from the story at all. And neither does the write-up above for that matter.
The write up should have been: Adventures on Nu Earth! Ben and Johnny have big plans for a much needed vacation and the mislaid plans of Reed Richards messes them up again. It would be hard to believe that the adventure of the Nu-Earth refugees and the “Fantastic Force” could get any more convoluted and uninteresting… but they do!
If you are one of those fans (all five of you) that has been wondering what happens to the “Fantastic Force” after their ill fated mini-series, well this issue gives you the much needed 911. For everyone else, this is filler.
Issue Grade: C