The Legend of Joe Moon ( Pit Bros. – Ventura / Silva / Silva) – Pit Bros. Productions makes a splash with their new book that makes its mark somewhere between HBO’s Deadwood and CW’s Supernatural. The Legend of Joe Moon is the story of a lone bounty hunter with a dark secret. If you look at the cover of the book, the “dark secret” is pretty much a given. The bottom line is..this book rocks! The story and script are solid. It left me wanting to know more about the character and how he got to be in his current situation. The art is everything that I would want out of a modern day werewolf story. I find that sometimes artists make werewolves too wiry or hulking. Finding that in-between is a real art. The team Manuel and Leonardo Silva have hit the nail right on the head, the art looks dead on for the setting and subject matter. My only wish is that I would have seen this book in color (which I hope is coming soon) because if the colors in the interior are anything like the cover, this is could be a breakout hit.
Grade A
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