Season’s Beatings!
Here’s lowdown!
- Piper has finally cracked and is hearing Trickster talk to him as he drags his body all over
- As the scene closes, it looks like Piper is going to cut off Trickster’s hand… doubt it though
- The Challengers are on Earth 51 in search of Ray Palmer
- Bob is convinced Ray is on Earth 51
- Granny Goodness reveals herself, at least to one soon-to-be dead Amazon officer
- Holly and Harley find the cave where Hippolyta has been hiding (and the Amazons couldn’t?)
- One of the genetically altered apocalyptic hell hound finds them and battle ensues
- A chain of trust is forged between Holly, Harley and de-throned Amzonian queen
- Holly and Harley are sent back as spies
- Jimmy Olsen finds out he has Motherbox powers too, as he takes Forager out of her “walking – killing” trance
- It turns out he can also summon Boom Tubes… he and Forager make it back to Earth… where immediately they start a bug-faced make out session
This issue had tow main storylines… Holly & Harley and Jimmy Olsen. For the Holly & Harley storyline, given that the two of them broke off and found this cave that no one else has found and then made it back to Amazon Central and won the confidences of those involved… Either Granny Goodness is having a brain fart or it’s a very sad set-up. And as far Jimmy Olsen goes… he didn’t die yet, how sad.
Grade: C
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