The Honor Brigade

 The Honor Brigade (Spinner Rack Comics – Still well / Bowers) – Two words sum up Spinner Rack’s The Honor Brigade… Indy Fun!  As I sat with issue one in my lap and this smiley face belt buckle staring up at me (the cover) I thought this might go one of two ways.  I was absolutely correct. The Honor Brigade is a prime example of the independent talent out there that is not being seen.  The first issue had me hooked and I just sat down and followed Toy Boy, Lightning Rod and Joe Irvin into the well-thought out and very intriguing Spinner Rack Universe.  Tom Stillwell’s storytelling starts off a tad stiff which made me start predicting some very cliche type conclusions, but within a few pages and definitely into the second issue, Tom’s plotline and dialogue had made stop guessing and start enjoying the ride.  Brad Bowers B&W art got better for me as I read.  Not that the first issue art is bad, but as I read I could watch his talent continue to grow.  I can’t wait to see issue #5.  The Honor Brigade is a great family book with enough action and plot to keep us full grown geeks tuned in.  Keep on rocking Spinner Rack… get a hold of them here.

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Updated: August 28, 2007 — 5:48 pm

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