The Anchor #7 – A Holy Man with a Broken Heart

The Anchor #7 (Boom! – Hester / Churilla / Wilson / Lowe)

The strangest team up in all of comics takes place when The Anchor partners with The Anchor! Now reunited with his soul, The Anchor begins a one-man war on the forces of Hell to rescue an innocent from their clutches. It’s a battle royale that can only end in a showdown with Satan himself.

The team-up itself doesn’t begin until next issue (Hester pulled a “Marvel” and had the cover and intro blurb refer to what is coming, not necessarily what is in this issue), but there was still plenty of action and drama to make this worth reading!  Out of all the coolness that The Anchor entails, the one thing that still ranks highest with me is how Phil Hester can write the main character as a true servant of  God (even according to his enemies) and keep him very interesting – without making him whiny, cheesy, preachy or lame.

For years, I have gone to cons and met with artists and writers who feel strongly about their faith and want to create comics that reflect their own values – very cool, I applaud that.  Unfortunately, most of the time what they end up creating are melodramatic stereotypes and books that either are very stilted or simply not of good quality.   They should take a note or two from The Anchor and the style in which Hester presents the warrior monk.  Hester is not trying to promote a world-view with the character (at least I don’t think he is), he is simply writing a protagonist who is true to his own traits.

In issue #7, the fifth fury is revealed and the choice of host is what gives the holy man a broken heart.  The Anchor must kill the resurrected shell of his only relative to make sure that the forces of Satan are shut down.  Then he is given plan to take the fight to Satan by the temporally-released spirit of Matthew (a character we left a few issues ago).  It sounds complicated and weird, but it flows incredibly well.  Hester provides nothing less than a good solid storyline.  Brian Churilla continues to frame out the Anchor in magnificent Spartanistic simplicity with help from Matthew Wilson (colors) and Johnny Lowe (Lettering).

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: April 15, 2010 — 11:29 am

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