Madame Mirage #4 (Top Cow – Dini / Rocafort) – Top Cow’s summary Mirage cuts loose in this issue and stretches her powers to the limit as she unleashes an all out assault on Aggressive Solutions International’s headquarters! Mirage is through toying with the villains of ASI… or is she? Paul Dini continues to let the genre-busting Madame Mirage Series take names and kick tail as he takes what seems likes the most used stereotype in modern day story-telling “The Femme Fatale” and takes the reader down the most unexpected, yet enjoyable roads. In the last issue we got a good look at what Mirage is and where she came from, now we see her in full-force busting through ASI’s meta-villain line-up: Pachy-Doom (think Marvel’s Rhino), Weeping Willow (goth-villainess with living hair), Aphrodisiac (a Barbie with pheromones), Dude (a surfer-boy hulkling) and by far the most original baddie that I have seen in a while – Cotton-Eyed Joe, a southern country styled teleporter. Mirage gives each their turn and gets herself inside to the core of ASI. Where in the last frame, she offers her services. Paul Dini is one of the best writers out there, in his Mirage book, he has shown his talents are not only wide but deep. Very few writers could be as good as he is, writing with as much diversity in characters as he does. Kenneth Rocafort’s pencils are excellent… come on, a battle between a femme fatale and a goth bad girl is only as good as it is drawn, and very similar to Paul Dini, Kenneth Rocafort comes out on top. Madame Mirage continues to be one of the best new series this year!
Grade: A