The All-New Booster Gold #3 (DC – Johns / Katz / Jurgens / Rapmund) – I truly have no choice but to continue’s Geoff Johns love-fest. Booster Gold has caught me completely off guard. If you had told me even a year ago that I would pumped about this book and that it would be on my pull list, I would made a bet with you that that would never happen… and I would have lost. Booster Gold, the greatest hero you’ve never heard of (what a great tag), is not the Quantum Leap of DC comics. Someone or someones (and at least one of them has stolen the SuperNova uniform) are traveling through the DC timeline trying to erase the origins of the greatest heroes… Booster, with the help of Skeets and Rip Hunter, are repairing the time stream and undoing the damage done by our unseen bad guys. In this issue, Booster travels back to the old West, and try to stop Jonah Hex from killing Jonathan’s Kent’s great-grandfather… thus making it so Johnathan Kent is never born and changing Superman’s upbringing. Great story… Great art… Great fun! This is one of those books you will wish you had picked up from the beginning!
Grade: A
The All-New Booster Gold #3
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