Tank Girl: The Gifting (writer / Tank Girl co-creator Alan Martin) (Art: Ashley Wood )
Alan Martin seems to be taking Tank girl back to her basics. Original artist Jamie Hewlett’s not back, but Ashley Wood makes for a decent replacement. The cast is more scaled down than the past Tank Girl stories – The Gifting’s stories mostly center around Tank Girl, mutant kangaroo Booga, and escaped mental patient Barney, although Jet Girl does turn up once in while.
The colorful and vibrant look that defined the comic in the early 1990s has been replaced by a more stylized, muted palate. The art is still very meaty and take some time to look at, just in a different way then previous Tank Girl books.
As far as the stories go, they’re enjoyably and meaningless snippet stories as per the Tank Girl standard. Some of which apply to the set Tank Girl world and some are just snap shots of these characters lives.
Grade: B
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