Annihilation: Conquest Nova #1 (Marvel – Abnett /Lanning / Chen) – Poor Richard Rider. Gone are the days of New Warriors when you character was just the team jock. The story behind Nova is very much like DC’s Kyle Rayner. Once upon a time there was an intergalactic police force called the Nova Corps. Richard Rider is a man born on Earth with some Kree heritage and through a series of events becomes the sole, and most powerful, member of the Nova Corps. All this is fairly new and retold to us in the first issue. Javier Grillo-Marxuach, the book writer, does a good job of bringing readers up to speed on Riders situation, but the only glimpse we get of the Annihilation story is that Nova is getting lots of distress calls. Oh, and the “big surprise” ending is that Rider is not the last Nova. Somehow I wasn’t surprised.
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