Category: Devil’s Due

Kickstarter: Plume Vol 2!

Plume Vol. 2 is on its last 24 hours on Kickstarter. This is your last chance to pledge for Plume Vol. 1 and/or Vol. 2 (why not have both?) as a hardcover. You have until 9 AM EST April 1st (tomorrow) to snag awesome Plume Kickstarter exclusives like the Crazy for Corrick package and the Corrick Origin Mini-Comic.Better hurry: the […]

Upcoming Devil’s Due Projects!

Operation Nemesis Operation Nemesis– Based on a true story, Operation Nemesis (W: Josh Blaylock, A: Hoyt Silva) tells the story of Armenian Genocide survivor, Soghomon Tehlirian, and his run in with the genocide’s perpetrator, Talaat Pasha years later in Germany. Honoring the Armenian Genocide 100 year anniversary (April 22, 2015), DDE is proud to be publishing the story […]

Do You Squirrel?

Fans anticipating the upcoming hit Squarriors comic from Devil’s Due Entertainment can now be featured in a new Squarriors viral campaign when taking photos of themselves with their favorite character (in paper format, via a downloadable PDF) at their local comic shop. Since its announcement in June, Squarriors has been building buzz, closed a successful Kickstarter campaign, secured three retailer exclusive […]

Squarriors Kickstarter

Hey there Pullbox readers, Greg here! I just got though reading the Wizard World Chicago Squarriors Convention Special that I was handed by Devil’s Due CEO, Josh Blaylock himself.  Personally, I can’t wait for this book! It’s looks fantastic and the very feel of it looks engaging. They have already met their Kickstarter goal and […]

Kickstarter: Squarriors!

One of Devil’s Due Entertainment’s most anticipated new titles has just launched on Kickstarter – from the minds and talents of Ash Maczko and Ashley M. Witter –Squarriors #1 set to hit comic shops everywhere this December. Including special rewards for readers and retailers alike! Already featured on BleedingCool, First Comics News, Comic Bastards Graphic Policy, Comic Buzz and more… What is intended to […] is a part of ThePullbox LLC © 2007-2024