Green Lantern Trilogy?

Several sites with connections down in New Orleans are reporting that they are in the process of shooting a second if not a third movie (all Peter Jackson like) before the first is even released, with New Orleans being the stand in for Coast City.  It certainly looks like DC is trying to match film for film the Theatrical Empire that Marvel is becoming.

Here’s a snippit from across the pond at Bleeding Cool – “Nevertheless, the word is that shooting on Green Lantern 2 is scheduled to begin before the first movie is even released.  So confident of a smash are Warner Bros, that they already making big plans to use current shooting location New Orleans as a stand-in for DC’s Coast City in the sequel, which will be announced for either a Summer or Christmas 2012 release, depending on where the Flash movie fits in.  And if the first film does the megabucks they are expecting, then Warners will greenlight a third Green Lantern movie to be shot back to back with the second, for release in 2013.

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Updated: August 5, 2010 — 4:36 pm

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