Green Lantern Kid!

I think that it’s rare that I a child can meet their hero in person.  Well, it can happen if your hero in a professional athlete, but if your hero lives in the fantasy world of comic books, movies, and video games then the best we can do is meet the actors that portray them.  I can only imagine that I would have speechless if, in my childhood, I was ever face to face with Christopher Reeve. In my mind he was not an actor, he was Superman.

That is the same feeling I think this kid must of had in Hall H, during the Green Lantern panel. He had the chance to look his hero in the eye and have a brief conversation with him.  That had to have been amazing for this kid.

And now, here is the first round of movie posters.

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Updated: July 27, 2010 — 12:47 pm

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