Salem’s Daughter: The Awakening

Salem’s Daughter: The Awakening #2 (Zenescope – Tedesco / Carranza / Rosenberg / Lee)

Trapped behind bars for an accidental murder, Anna Williams has been accused of using witchcraft. And in Salem, Massachusetts the price for being a witch is death by hanging. But there is hope. Braden Cole has come to the town of Salem to find the man…or monster…he has been hunting; the man they call Darius. And Braden soon learns that Darius has plans for Anna and those plans could be worse than death.

The Folks at Zenescope have showed that they are beyond capable of twisting a good tale for us into something scary to read and fun to look at.  And the main man himself Ralph Tedesco, who is not only a VP / founding member of the company but also a major scribe for their books, has written quite a few fantastic stories that has concreted him as one of the best horror / suspense writers of today.  While the majority of the Zene-books deal with the Grimm Fairy Tale universe, they have a few that reach outside of that and have their own complete storyline.  Salem’s Daughter is one of those minority book.

Now, color me weird, but this story actually makes me think of the first season of Heroes.  Young girl who is exhibiting powers she doesn’t understand, she meets two stranger each with powers of their own.  One stranger comes to her side to protect her and another out to kill her for reasons she doesn’t know.  Now, that is sort of where the comparison falls apart.  Given the setting of the story, the young girl in question is charged with witchcraft rather than being hunted by a secret government task force. While Salem’s Daughter has way more of a supernatural rather than sci-fi, it’s not as much as you might think.  This book is story driven and zombie / demonic angle really takes a backseat to the intrigue and plot.  Artistic newbie Andres Carranza has a great effort here and his pencils are able to carry Tedesco’s story.

Issue Grade: A-

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Updated: October 29, 2009 — 10:03 pm

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