Green Lantern #28

Green Lantern #28 ( DC – Johns / McKone / Lanning)

The bizarre introduction of the Alpha Lanterns concludes as the trial of the Lost Lantern ends! But what does the induction of the Alpha Lanterns mean to the future of the Corps? What fate awaits the rest of the Lost Lanterns? Plus, Hal has a startling revelation about the “Blackest Night!”

The big revelation about the Blackest Night wasn’t as big as I thought. In fact, I has to go back and re-read the issue before writing this because I thought I missed something. We see that Sinestro is more than just a megalomaniac fear monger, but also a brilliant tactician. The entire Sinestro War was, in part, Sinestro’s strategy to get the Guardians change the laws in the Book of Oa. And he did. More of what this issue shows is that the armies of the various lantern corps are forming. We see the start of the Red Lanterns who are fueled by rage, and the first sparks of the Orange Lanterns.

Brilliant writing and captivating art makes this issue another great entry into one of DC’s hottest books!

Grade: A

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Updated: March 11, 2008 — 7:12 pm

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