Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated Feature

Here are some pics of the new Lucasfilm animation project. The new Star Wars film project (if you call a 30 minute release a film) consists as 30 – 30 minute episodes. Only the first episode is slated for theatrical release. This has been in the works for some time and the talk is quite good, I just can’t get too excited about it. Blasphemy, you say!? Lets look at the last three Star Wars releases…they were less than spectacular (read as: horse poop!). So I have reservations about another trek into Star Wars that seems to have been played out, burnt out, and is just uninteresting. Especially when Dark Horse has created great settings in Knights of the Old Republic and Legacy. Or when the New Jedi Order and Rouge Squadron would add to Star Wars fan base that are not novel readers. Why not get an animated feature about them instead of rehashing things you’ve already done?

Ah well, here are the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated Feature pics.

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Updated: February 13, 2008 — 6:35 pm

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